Thursday, June 14, 2007

Knitting is still exciting in the Methow

Sitting on the deck at the Ranch! Last years roomies, sitting in the commons area were we gather and have meals.

Hi, yes I'm posting again this week, but I had to tell you the great news. Went to knit night at the gallery and we got two new people who came for their first time wanting to learn how to make socks on two circular needles, how cool is that. They have been knitters, but had never tryed this method, so they started very well. It was a great evening. I'm also getting pumped cause in a week I'm going to Stehekin to the spinning Rendezous, which will be the 25th year, but this is my third year. Vicki is going too, and this is her first time. For those who may not know were Stehekin is, it's at the north end of Lake Chelan, and the only way to get there is by plane or boat, well you can hike in too from different trails. But me I take the fast boat from the Chelan Boat Co. It take around one and a half hours. We'll arrive at Stehekin and then we catch the bus to the Stehekin valley Ranch nine miles up the road. On the way we stop at the bakery to pick up pies for the dessert after dinner. What a wonder full place to be with good friends and peace and quiet, no phones no T. V. Well I'm off to Weavers guild today. Hope your having a great day too. Knits Plenty

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