Hello from the beautiful Methow Valley! Well it's been a week since I've posted and I have so much to tell, but I'm a little afraid that I won't remember what I wanted to say.Makes no sense.
The last time I talked about Rock Day. So I'll start here, the following Monday was spinners day at my house which is the second Monday of the month. This is also the day that the group I use to meet with on the west side meets at Dorothy's house. It's a fun day to spend catching up with friends that are spinners. We all bring our spinning wheels or maybe not and share, visit ,eat, spin and generally solve the world problems.We had a very good turn out, Jan stopped by but she had a harp lesson and couldn't stay.Diana was there finishing up some unknown wool that she was sick of ( we've all been there).Our friends from the spinning guild over the hill in Omak came, that would be Ingrid and Sandra. Ingrid is finishing the same wool that I'm finishing, which is a Targee/ Merino.Deb came with her brand new Lendrum wheel and is spinning some local Icelandic wool, she was so excited and loves her new wheel. Sara who is a very busy business owner has committed to spinning and knitting this year, right on Sara. She is knitting for some soon to be here grad kids.Sara spins on a Betty Jo Roberts wheels, who's is a well known wheel maker from Orroville.
Tuesday is the knitting day the knitting group meets at the Catholic church and some of them are starting a new project knitting a lace scarf. Speaking of lace scarves my is coming along but I've had to pull some of it out, oh well that's the way the knitting rips.
So just yesterday Diana and I took a trip over the Mt. to Omak to Ingrids house for the meeting of the guild there. This is a great group and allot of fun. This happened to be the meeting that is called the soup pot meeting. So if your coming to that one you bring things for the pot of soup or what ever you want to bring or nothing at all, it's very relaxed.So it was nice to catch up with the group
So It hasn't been getting above 10 degrees here and drops to well below 0. But it has been sunny, that helps. This morning it was snowing at 8 below.
Well I help all is well with you and yours. Talk to you soon. Diana
P. S. Picture # 1 My Targee Merino ( turned out pretty groovy, #2 the guild at Omak and ) and # 3 Our host Ingrid, Thanks again Ingrid.
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