Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Weather the dictator~~~~~

As it does sometimes seem like the weather is the dictator of the day. Yesterday I was looking forward to the first time of the year that the knitting group would meet, but it decided to rain ice. by the time I left here and got to Twisp the road had gotten very icy and the ice built up on my windshield,so I turned around and came home because I thought it was the smart thing to do and that was the right decision.
So this morning I thought because it seemed to be warming up nicely I would make a trip to Omak. When I left home it was sunny, by the time I got to Twisp it was snowing. So I decided to shop in town and go home. I don't usually let the weather bother me, but this year has been so unpredictable.
This Saturday is St. Distaffs Day. I'm hopping to Make it to Omak to spin and celebrate with spinners there. I'll miss my friends that I would go with on the west side and will be thinking of them a lot. So Diana, Katie and I are looking forward to Sat.

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